Garden Gathered fresh flowers differ from most florists. They are full of scent and texture and picked on the day of purchase, specially chosen for their scent, colour, and longevity.
In order to grow the amount of flowers that Garden Gathered provides, I have help from gardener Hugh, who works ten hours a week with me. We are both very careful to work with nature.
The flowers are seasonal and constantly changing. We do not use any pesticides or weed killer so the garden is full of beneficial insects and lovely birds. My neighbour's honey bees live on my hedge of single open faced roses. Most of the plants have been propagated from cuttings or grown from seed. Every year I increase our narcissi beds and buy in about a thousand magnificent tulip bulbs. This year we have nearly one hundred new dahlias started from tubers under cover in March.
The flowers are usually picked early in the morning, stripped of excess foliage and stood in buckets of cold water to condition before being made up into posies and bouquets. I no longer use floral foam or oasis as this is a plastic and does not decompose, so your arrangements will have a low impact on the environment.
If you have any further enquiries about my bunches, or wish to have one specially made for an event or occasion, please do be in touch.